Submit your work


The Waialuan Submission Guidelines

● To enter, you must be a current student or faculty member of Waialua Intermediate and High School.

● Submission categories include poetry, short stories, flash fiction, non-fiction essays, artwork, and photography.

● By submitting your work, you are acknowledging that it is your own creation, that it has not been borrowed from any other person’s work (including film and video content), and that the characters and situations are of your own invention.

● Short stories should be between 2,000 to 4,500 words and be the writer’s own original, previously unpublished work.

● Flash fiction stories should be less than 1,500 words.

● Previously published stories and stories forthcoming at other publications cannot be considered. This includes stories that have been self-published online on personal websites or other publishing platforms, including blogs.

● No entry fee is required.

The Waialuan reserves the right to approve all final, edited content.

● A parent or legal guardian must sign the Permission to Publish form for those who are under the age of 18 and wish to have their work published on our website and social media platforms.

The Waialuan Permission to Publish Form

All contributors: The Waialuan is an online public journal; therefore all submissions must be accompanied by a signed Permission to Publish Form in order to be eligible for potential publication.

Under 18: Parents must give permission for their child’s work to be submitted for potential publication in WHIS’s literary journal, The Waialuan. This is an online journal and personal information that would be made public through participation in the digital publication includes the contributor’s name, grade, and age, along with their work submission(s). I also understand that my child’s image may be used if they are chosen as a featured contributor in The Waialuan.

The Waialuan Submission Form

Short Story, Flash Fiction, & NonFiction Essays:

  • Share through Google Docs - Email “can comment” link to

  • Calibri 11pt font (Google Default)

  • Double Space

  • Pg #s preferred

    Photographs and Artwork Images: send to

  • Acceptable Image Files Include: TIFF (.TIF), Tag Image File Format EPS (.EPS), Encapsulated Postscript (EPSF) File JPEG (.JPG), Joint Photographic Experts Group PDF (.PDF), Portable Document Format with press-ready job option

  • The Waialuan team is also available to photograph any artwork.