2020 was a strange year for everyone. Out of great adversity and many hours holed up in our classrooms was born the idea to relaunch The Waialuan as a place to showcase the creative talents of our staff and students. The Waialuan previously existed for many years at WHIS as a journalistic endeavor, providing the latest school news and events. We applaud those past students who kept those pages filled and spent tireless hours bringing those stories to life. However, just as the world has gone through change and reinvention, we felt there was no better time to also reinvent The Waialuan. As a mixed media literary arts magazine, The Waialuan now aims to celebrate the breadth of talent that inspires us every day. The students and staff that wander our hallways and fill our classrooms are the beating heart of our school and community. From art, to photography, to writing, we hope to encompass the entirety of what makes our school special, and with each quarterly issue, we also hope you are equally as impressed by the incredible talent here at WHIS.

New beginnings…


The Waialuan Team

The Waialuan is officially a student-led publication with an all-student staff. The Waialuan has come a long way in the past few years, gaining many new readers and online followers in our community. We are thrilled to announce that publications students now oversee major roles in the publication as editors, graphic designers, marketing and promotional roles and creative content developers.

Meet The Waialuan Advisors

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Mrs. Kelly Victor

PhD in Education in progress - UH Mānoa

Master of Arts in Teaching: Secondary Education - UNCW

B.A. English with a concentration in professional writing - UNCW

Originally from San Francisco, I spent much of my childhood traveling and living abroad in places like Cairo, Egypt and Yokosuka, Japan. I now reside in Hale’iwa, HI with my husband, three daughters, and our dog and cat. I love cooking, watching horror movies, and spending time with my family at the beach.

Masters of Arts in Teaching: Secondary Education- Chaminade University

B.A. English- UH Manoa

Diploma in Visual Communications- University of Technology Sydney

Born and raised on the North Shore of Oahu. I’m an avid traveller and adventurer (Or at least I would like to think so!). I enjoy reading science fiction, my morning coffee, spending quality time with family and fur kids. I’m most likely to be found in my classroom or spending time with my horse at the ranch.


Mrs. Kayla Fitzgerald

Contact Us

The Waialuan Publication Course

Open to WHIS students in grades 9-12

Students enrolled in The Waialuan publications course(currently called Newswriting in our registration guide) participate in the collection, revision, and publication of text and art submissions for The Waialuan literary magazine. Additionally, students manage the advertising, social media accounts, and promotional materials for The Waialuan. If interested in joining our team, please see the course instructor Mrs. Ftizgerald or Ms. Victor during normal school hours.

Mrs. Fitzgerald


Ms. Victor


Follow our journey on Instagram for updates!