
By Calliah-Lei Bollosan | Grade 8

Like a bird in a cage

Trapped behind iron bars

Here I stay.


My wings wounded

Torn skin and bone

Weakly fluttering wings

Trying hopelessly to fly

Attempting to join the free world out there

Attempting to soar

Through a world of potential

Where I once did,

Once thrived

But the seasons changed,

Flight is no longer effortless

My wings grew tired 

My sense of direction, now a blur. 

I no longer belong in their eyes.

I am seen as scarred, damaged, trauma full.

“Not trying hard enough or

Trying too hard”

“Too much of this, too little of that”

Never satisfied. 

Desperately trying to fit myself into molds– 

The molds of society,

Of others.

But I want to be me

I want to travel my own path

Go by my own seasons.

So I’ll hang up my wings

And extend my beak

Sing loud songs 

And peace I will seek.

Shatter the bars, force through the door

And fly high as 

Ever before.

Photography by Blessany Meehan | Grade 9

Photography by Kelly Victor | WHIS Faculty

Photography by Nanea Milnikel | Grade 10

Photography by Zekiel Balmoja | Grade 10

Scars of the Siren’s Song

by Yasmin Canfil | Grade 9

It’s loud, it’s lively.

It’s quiet, it echoes.

Replaying on and on until nothing.

The little sounds continue for eternity.

The big sounds make an entrance,

They roar and scream and throw a tantrum.

They hurt… but help,

They hurt… but never stop,

They hurt… but are scared.

It changes and molds,

I change and mold,

It lives on and on and on,

Talking, screaming, echoing, shaping.

It sings the siren’s song, relentlessly,

For however long it echoes,

And echoes,

And echoes.

Photography by Destinee-Anne McGuire | Grade 10

Photography by Bayli Sober | Grade 10




Chasing Reflections